Sunday, April 3, 2011

Crosby and Dottie Fight for a Cure!

Chocolate eyes framed by tufts of charcoal fur adoringly look up at Dottie Schulte, a nurse practitioner and volunteer extraordinaire, from Greeley, Colorado.  The adorable dog behind those chocolate eyes is the newest member of the Schulte family, a Bernese Mountain dog, Homer.  The puppy has been right along side an amazing duo comprised of Dottie and Homer's big brother, Crosby.  Together Crosby and Dottie have taken on the enormous task of chairing the Bark For Life of Weld County, a fundraising event for the American Cancer Society.  This event is an opportunity for individuals and canines to celebrate those who have survived cancer, remember those lost to cancer, and fight back against cancer by raising money for research, education, advocacy, and patient services.  Dogs, like Crosby, form teams of eight to fifteen participants along side their human companions to raise these life saving funds. 

Crosby was the first dog in Colorado to become a member of the "Grand Club".  This award is given exclusively to individuals or dogs who have personally raised $1,000.  Crosby wrote letters, helped Dottie whip up batches of dog biscuits to sale, and batted his big chocolate eyes at friends and family in hopes of raising money for this worthy cause.  In the end, Crosby earned his spot in the Grand Club and was able to proudly sport a ruby red shirt to prove it.

How did Crosby and Dottie get involved with Bark For Life?  Crosby had watched Dottie from the sidelines as she had held several volunteer positions for the American Cancer Society.  When the opportunity was provided for Dottie to devote time to two of her passions, cancer research and the animal-human bond, she was hooked on Bark For Life. Dottie explained her participation in Bark For Life, "As a nurse practitioner I participate for my patients who have cancer, who have lost their lives to cancer and are caregivers.  And as a pet lover, I participate for my dogs who I have lost to cancer and for my friends who have also lost pets to cancer."  At work Dottie fills her days by improving the quality of life for many of her patients.  In her spare time, she continues to show her compassionate nature by inviting members of her community to take up the fight against cancer alongside her. 
Dottie has had many moments in the past several years as a volunteer that were memorable.  When asked what her favorite were, Dottie replied:
 I would say my most memorable moments have been caring for my dogs (Gracie, Chase, Trey and Mozart) who I have lost to cancer. As we went through our journey I realized how much richer my life has been because of my pets and our experience with fighting cancer only strengthened our bond.  It was so rewarding to watch everyone last year out at Bark For Life, all bundled up with their dogs, shivering, but realizing that we humans will do anything to honor our dogs!”

The community Dottie lives in has at least one thing in common with Crosby, who with his chocolate eyes adoringly gazes at her, this community is ever appreciative of Dottie’s commitment to the fight against cancer and her steadfast ability to share her compassion with the world around her.

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Why Bark For Life?



Thank you to the amazing volunteers, canines and companions, who work to save lives by fighting cancer. In addition, I sincerely appreciate all of your smiling faces in the photography used on this site. A very special thanks to Dottie Schulte for her time, energy, and amazing commitment to the American Cancer Society. Thanks to The Cutest Blog On The Block for providing the template for this site.